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memory loss

A javascript ‘game’ that attempts to simulate the frustration experienced when files are unintentionally lost when migrating, backing up or making space in storage.

This project was made for a brief called ‘Migration’. I decided to explore file migration because just before this project, I tried to back up photos from my phone and in the process, my phone completely froze and had to be reformatted, meaning all my images were lost. Panic, frustration, anger; a whirlwind of emotions soon ensued. While I could recover most of them, a few months worth were lost to the void forever.

Using a Javascript, I made what effectively is a state machine. The user can’t take all the files with them, so they have to choose which to take with them. After this, pop ups attempt to disuade not to delete the files. The amount of clicks and pop ups are meant to create a feeling of frustration. After a number of clicks, coloured pixel start to fill the screen until all files become ‘corrupted’ and all data is lost.

memory loss

A javascript ‘game’ that attempts to simulate the frustration experienced when files are unintentionally lost when migrating, backing up or making space in storage.

To use, please view on desktop.

This project was made for a brief called ‘Migration’. I decided to explore file migration because just before this project, I tried to back up photos from my phone and in the process, my phone completely froze and had to be reformatted, meaning all my images were lost. Panic, frustration, anger; a whirlwind of emotions soon ensued. While I could recover most of them, a few months worth were lost to the void forever.

Using a Javascript, I made what effectively is a state machine. The user can’t take all the files with them, so they have to choose which to take with them. After this, pop ups attempt to disuade not to delete the files. The amount of clicks and pop ups are meant to create a feeling of frustration. After a number of clicks, coloured pixel start to fill the screen until all files become ‘corrupted’ and all data is lost.