this is me 

A processing sketch that detects open eyes and hides the image on screen.

Using a film camera, I took 50 photos corresponding to ambiguous prompts. With the collected photos, I selected 9 that told a general story of a one night stand. A one night stand tends to be a private moment that many don’t wish to share. I reflected this by coding a sketch in Processing that uses the OpenCV library to detect whether the users eye are open or closed with the use of a webcam. If the eyes are open, the screen will turn to black, hiding the image. If they are open, the image will be revealed on the screen.

I am planning to convert this to a javascript sketch that can be used on the web browser. Check back soon to have a play around!

this is me

A processing sketch that detects open eyes and hides the image that’s on screen.

Using a film camera, I took 50 photos corresponding to ambiguous prompts. With the collected photos, I selected 9 that told a general story of a one night stand. A one night stand tends to be a private moment that many don’t wish to share.

I reflected this by coding a sketch in Processing that uses the OpenCV library to detect whether the users eye are open or closed with the use of a webcam. If the eyes are open, the screen will turn to black, hiding the image. If they are open, the image will be revealed on the screen. 

I am planning to convert this to a javascript sketch that can be used on the web browser. Check back soon to have a play around!